
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Geometry Term 4

Geometry term 4.

This morning for maths I have been playing Geometry Games. I like the geometry a lot because I get to learn about 3d and 2d shapes.

We have been learning about geometry for 2 weeks.

What is Geometry?
Geometry has a relation between points, lines, surfaces, solids, and 3d dimensional shapes.

What is Geometry about?
Geometry is about shapes, angles, sides, corners and edges.

What kind of shapes are there in geometry?
There are different kind of shapes in geometry. There are shapes like a Triangle, Square, Cylinder, Cone, Rectangular, Triangular Prism and many more shapes. Some of the shapes are called  3d and 2d.

What does 3d and 2d  mean?
3d and 2d means 3d dimensional and 2d dimensional.

What is a 2d shape?
A 2d shape is something that is flat and you can not see the full shape.

What is a 3d shape?
3d shapes are shapes that you can see the whole shape you can see it’s sides corners and edges.

It is very important to know and learn geometry because it can help you with all the shapes.

This is a 2d shape. This shape is called a Triangle.

This is a 3d shape. This shape is called a Triangular Prism.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Maths 24th of July

Maths 24.7.15

In maths I have being learning how to solve addition and subtraction problems using different strategies and our number knowledge. At first I thought that it would be easy to solve but it was kind of hard. We had to work out the answer by using different strategies and our number knowledge.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Maths 3 July 2015

Maths                                                                                                                                3rd July 2015 

For maths I have been learning about Place Value Addition and Subtraction. I was using the Place Value house to solve the maths problems. It was very easy for me to solve the Place Value Addition problems but it took me a while to understand subtraction. We have been using up to 6 digits in our Place Value sums.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Maths Week 10

Maths                                                                                                                               26 June 2015

Today for maths I have been learning about Place Value subtraction and greatest to least . I did place value by using the column of the place value house. It was really hard for me to solve the place subtraction problems. But some of the place value promblems were easy. 

Friday, 12 June 2015




Today for maths I have been doing Sumdog. I have been playing with my friend Mele. I came first. The game that we were playing was Kite boarding. My points in this game was 127. This game is really good for leaning. You can learn your time tables and addition and subtraction. In this game I learnt my time tables. And now I know all my time tables. This game is cool and fun.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Maths Week 7

Maths Week 7


In maths I have been doing a worksheet. In the worksheet I have been learning how to subtract and add. Some of the problems are easy and some are hard. From this worksheet I learnt how to add big numbers.  I loved this worksheet because it gave me lots of maths problems to solve. I tried my best to get all the problems right. I solved the maths problems by using different strategies.

Monday, 25 May 2015

An apple a day

An apple a day

May 25, 2015 9:18:25 AM.jpg
In maths I have been learning about an apple a day. It is about multiplication. When it comes to a sum that is time tables then you have to answer the math problem. The maths problems are always with time tables. For example 
3 x3 = 9

Friday, 8 May 2015

Maths Week 3

Maths Week 3

Screenshot 2015-05-08 at 10.27.07 AM.png
In this maths game I was learning my time tables. This game is called camel timetables. Each problem that you get right they give you food. Each question that I get wrong then they  will  tell me to solve it until I get the  answer right. This game is really cool because you get  to learn your timetables.

Friday, 20 March 2015


Everyday, every morning we have been doing maths. I think maths is very important because you can solve number problems easily.

What I have been learning in maths.
An activity called What's my number? We had to use mental strategies to solve the math problems. We had to find out how far it is from 12 to 35 using a hundreds chart. So we had to count in tens and when we got to 32 we had to count 31 32 33 until we got to 35.

Before I did not like maths because it was hard but now I love maths. In maths we also learned about how to solve problems using five facts. It was kind of hard because I did not know how to solve it using five facts. I have also been learning my time tables up to six. And it was kind of easy.